
ただいま表示中: モザンビーク会社 - 郵便切手 (1892 - 1941) - 13 切手.

1898 The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India

16. 5月 WM: なし ミシン目: 12½ or 13½

[The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E1] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E2] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E3] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E4] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E5] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E6] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E7] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E8] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E9] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E10] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E11] [The 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India, タイプ E12]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
28 E 2½R - 5.43 1.63 - USD  Info
29 E1 5R - 8.68 1.63 - USD  Info
30 E2 10R - 8.68 1.63 - USD  Info
31 E3 15R - 10.86 2.71 - USD  Info
32 E4 20R - 10.86 2.71 - USD  Info
33 E5 25R - 13.03 2.71 - USD  Info
34 E6 50R - 16.28 10.86 - USD  Info
35 E7 75R - 13.03 5.43 - USD  Info
36 E8 80R - 16.28 5.43 - USD  Info
37 E9 100R - 16.28 5.43 - USD  Info
38 E10 150R - 16.28 5.43 - USD  Info
39 E11 200R - 16.28 8.68 - USD  Info
40 E12 300R - 21.71 10.86 - USD  Info
28‑40 - 173 65.14 - USD 






